At the National Authorising Office Conference Hall today at Tower Hills, the Minister of Planning and Economic Develolment, Dr. Franceis Kai-Kai and his dupety, Dr. Jonathan Titus-Williams together with the EU Ambassador Manuel Muller and Head of Cooperation Gerald Hatler hosted some Ministers and Deputy Ministers of targeted sectoral interventions to discuss the new EU Multi-Annual Indicative Programme (MIP) 2021 to 2027.
This new programming and modality will focus on the following areas:
Green Economy – including agriculture, energy, ecosystems and biodiversity
Human Development- including basic education and technical and vocational education training (TVET) and social protection
Governance – just, inclusive and safe society including democratic institutions, voice and accountability, better government effectiveness and public service delivery and enhanced economic governance.
This new Multi-Annual Program will guide the EU and Government of Sierra Leone development cooperation for the next 7 years.
The National Authorising Office (NAO) continues to facilitate Government of Sierra Leone and European Union development projects for the benefit of Sierra Leonean Citizens
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