Mission Statement:
To ensure that the European Union and the Government of Sierra Leone Development Cooperation is utilised for the benefit of Sierra Leone.
The National Authorising Office (NAO) is the principal management and executing agency within the framework of the co-operation between the European Union (EU) and the various ACP states. The NAO was established by article 35 of the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement, which inter alia, states that Government of each ACP state shall appoint a National Authorising Officer to represent its affairs in all operations financed from the Fund resources managed by the commission and the Bank.
Due to the importance accorded this office under the conventions, the National Authorising Officer in Sierra Leone is the Minister of Planning and Economic Development. The Minister has delegated the day-to-day operational responsibilities to the Director of NAO Office. The Director is assisted by a number of administrative and technical personnel.
The NAO Support Unit advises the Minister and enables the MDAs and NSAs to get best value for money from the implementation of EDF Projects.