The Goals of the EU’s Support to the Education Sector in Sierra Leone

Since the inception of the EU funded Support to the Education Sector in Sierra Leone programme in 2016, the primary goals have been:
• To strengthen education system management;
• To improve quality of teaching and learning, especially at primary level;
• To promote equal access to secondary education for all;
• To support the development of Technical and Vocational Education.

In the last three years, there has been a single-minded focus on the achievement of these goals. The first is strengthening education system management. The following have been achieved.

 121 Staff received Education Sector Wide M& E Evaluation Training 32 MBSSE Staff under the Free Quality School Education Programmes; 32 Staff of the Teaching Service Commission; 32 Staff of the MBSSE Inspectorate Programme and 25 MTHE and PCCU);

 16 Staff of the MBSSE and MTHE participated in 3 Study Tours in South Africa for improved Education Management and Information Systems building;

 Human Resources Manual developed and awaiting digitization

 Human Resources Payroll System developed and awaits scanning of 35,000 Teacher Management Records

 Designed and implemented an experimental study on “The impact of Mother Tongue language of instruction on children’s cognition.”

The second goal of the Support Sector in Sierra Leone had been to improve primary school teaching and learning. Since the inception of the programme in 2016:

8000 schools have been reached with information on “National Professional Standards”;

Two new Teacher Education Courses (“Teaching Reading and Writing in the Primary Grades and Teaching Mathematics in the Primary Grades” have been developed and pilot-tested

Teaching Science in the Primary Grades course is in its pre-planning stage for 2020.

1600 Teachers and School Leaders were oriented on the National Professional Standards in 4 EU/Govt targeted districts (Intensive Courses)

2281 School leaders and Teachers have been trained in Teacher Performance Management and National Standards

The Teaching Service Commission (a key implementing partner) has incorporated information on the Professional Standards for Teachers and School Leaders in all national scale programs (e.g. DfID, WB, UNICEF, etc.)

2000 teachers and school leaders completed “Competency Classes” and an additional 2000 registered for 2020

The Teaching Service Commission and Teacher Education Colleges were supported to develop and implement a course on “Teacher Performance Management benefiting 8000 school leaders;

The Director of School Inspection (MBSSE) was supported to develop a “Whole Team Approach” to school supervision and quality improvement;

250 district supervisors and school leaders trained;

Handbooks for School Quality Improvement and a “Facilitators Guide on “The Whole Team Approach” to School Improvement developed.

840 primary grade teachers and school leaders trained on the “Teacher Mentors Program”

400 Schools to receive 2 teachers each with Mentorship Skills

5 Teacher Training Colleges equipped or strengthened

Equipment strengthening of Teacher Training Colleges will include connection to hi-speed internet in 2020 and the refurbishment of designated classrooms to serve as “Centers for Teaching Excellence.”

The Teaching Service Commission is receiving support to develop a “Comprehensive Framework for Continuous (in-service) Teacher Professional Development.”

Provided intensive training and guided practice in teacher education to 60 campus-based and school-based teacher educators.

The third goal of the Support Sector in Sierra Leone has been to improve equitable access to secondary education. Since the inception of the programme in 2016 the following have been achieved:

Tendering for the rehabilitation of 100 schools in 4 districts reviewed and tenders completed. Recommendations to the EUD reviewed and approved; Contracting in progress

Works Supervisor for the rehabilitation of 100 schools tendered, evaluated and awarded.

The Equipment Supply Tender to benefit the Ministries, TSC, ad the PCCU processed and awarded. These include: 12 vehicles and an assortment of office equipment.

“Gender Mainstreaming in the Education Sector” Research Study and Plan of Action completed.

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